In the field of implant dentistry, abutment clamp or preload, refers to the force that an implant screw has on the implant and the abutment. This force is linear and holds the components of the abutment connection together. As the abutment screw is tightened, the force used by the periodontist is transferred to both the internal threads of the implant and the threads of the abutment screw. The force “clamps” the abutment to the body of the implant, which is why it is sometimes referred to as “abutment clamp”. Although preload is measured in Newtons, there’s no ideal amount of clamping force used for abutment screws. A periodontist must follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for specific types of screws to determine how much torque to apply and how much preload is needed to clamp the abutment connection together. The force must be measured using special tools to ensure the correct amount is used.