Acellular dermal matrix graft (ADM)

An acellular dermal matrix graft is similar to the cellular dermal allograft in that they are both derived through the process of removing cells from animal or human tissues while retaining portions of the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, unlike traditional xenografts and allografts, an acellular dermal graft is usually completely devoid of cells. The main components of ADM are elastic fibers and collagen bundles.

There are a variety of acellular dermal graft products available: For example, a regenerative tissue matrix is processed in such a way as to preserve the tissue’s biologic components while maintaining the structure of the dermis itself. Acellular dermal matrix graft products differ in the processing methods used to create them as well as in their size and thickness.

Grafts can be used for numerous soft tissue applications, including:

  • Soft tissue ridge augmentation
  • Gingival augmentation
  • Soft tissue augmentation around implants
  • Exposed root coverage

If a gingival graft is required, an acellular dermal graft can be used as an alternative to an autograft.