
Clarithromycin is a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic used in the treatment of orofacial infections caused by gram-positive cocci and susceptible anaerobes. Its mechanism of action involves the prevention of bacterial growth by interfering with protein synthesis. It is an alternate drug used for antibiotic prophylaxis. Clarithromycin is an effective drug for patients who are allergic or have sensitivities to penicillin. Clarithromycin is often used in the treatment of dental abscesses. Such abscesses can be either periapical, inside the tooth itself, or periodontal, within the gums. Though there are some at-home measures that can be taken to temporarily relieve symptoms, orofacial infections and oral abscesses require antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria and properly heal. The dosage and length of time prescribed will depend upon the severity of the infection and any underlying conditions. Patients should complete their entire prescription as directed to avoid re-infection, partial healing, or further damage to teeth and gums.