
A defect is simply an imperfection in something. In dentistry, there are many different types of defects. For example, dental enamel defects (DEDs) are a flaw in the enamel, or the hard outer surface of the tooth. When enamel formations of primary or adult teeth are deficient, dental health can become compromised as it’s easier for bacteria and plaque to enter the structure of the tooth. Since dental enamel cannot regenerate on its own, enamel defects like hypoplasia or hyperpigmentation must be managed by a dental health professional. Congenital dental defects are imperfections that occur during the earliest stages of fetal development in the womb, like a cleft palate, missing adult teeth, or misshapen or fused teeth. Other defects can include periodontal bone defects, furcation defects, alveolar ridge defects, gingival fenestration defects, and more. Treatment for defects depends largely on the type of defect and where it’s located in the mouth.