Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and abnormally high blood sugar resulting from insufficient levels of a hormone called insulin. Individuals with DM suffer from a number of symptoms that can complicate otherwise routine health procedures. In implant dentistry, good diabetic control is a prerequisite to achieving and maintaining osseointegration for implant success. Patients who suffer from DM typically experience a delay in wound healing which may prevent the surgery or implantation site from properly retaining the prosthesis or graft. Due to this, patients with DM are more prone to healing concerns, osseointegration issues, and implant failure. To give dental implants and prostheses the highest rate of success, patients should have their diabetes mellitus well-regulated prior to and following the procedure to ensure proper and timely osseointegration takes place. Patients with well-controlled DM often experience healing, osseointegration, and implant success rates similar to non-diabetes patients.