Endosseous Ramus Frame Implant

An endosseous ramus frame implant, or ramus implant, is a blade form, full-arch, endosseous implant set into both rami and the symphyseal area of the mandible. It is constructed with a horizontal connecting bar that sits along the gingival tissues, creating a U-shaped design when viewed from the occlusal. The tripodal design of the ramus implant provides stability for mandibular dentures and is used as an option when the mandible has significant atrophy. An endosseous ramus frame implant is one of several types of endosseous implants and serves as a stable platform to which lower dentures can be affixed. It is especially useful for patients who have thin, deteriorated, or atrophied lower mandibles. Ramus implants have a high success rate with devices still in place several years after the initial placement. Endosseous ramus frame implants are also relatively easy to place as they come prefabricated and can be adjusted to fit the patient’s unique oral structure.