CAD/CAM is a field of dentistry that uses computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to create dental restorations like dentures, dental implants, veneers, dental crowns, and more. CAD/CAM technology allows dentists and periodontists to fit patients with durable, high-quality, and aesthetically pleasing dental prostheses. Not only does this technology improve the design and creation of dental restorations, it also makes some types of restorations possible that would otherwise not be without computer-aided design and manufacturing. A CAD/CAM system has a digital scanner that scans models and inputs the image into a computer, software that allows professionals to design a prosthesis, and technology that allows for the prosthesis to be created using the computerized image and data. CAD/CAM systems are most often used in a dental lab or production facility, but they can also be used by dentists and periodontists chair-side.

CAD/CAM abutment

Computer-Assisted Design and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) is a technology that uses computer software to design and manufacture implant abutments. The software uses the information from digital position recognition of the patient’s implant platform to create the custom abutment. This can assist in making a better-fitting abutment-to-implant connection. CAD/CAM abutments are often made of titanium bases due to the material’s biocompatibility and known hygienic characteristics. The use of titanium also creates a strong and corrosion-resistant implant base. CAD/CAM abutments can be made of Telio CAD abutment blocks. These blocks are made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), a durable material that can be shaped and polished to create a natural look. CAD/CAM technology can also be used to create custom healing abutments that better prepare the patient’s tissue for the CAD/CAM implant. Healing abutments created using this technology can require less re-contouring, thereby saving the patient from additional dental work and expense.