Ramus Graft

One of the biggest contributing factors to the need for periodontal surgery is the loss of bone. In cases where periodontal disease is very advanced, so much bone may be lost that there is not enough to support a dental implant. In this case, bone grafting may be an option. A bone graft involves the implantation of bone tissue from another source into the area needing bone. The graft heals, integrating with whatever existing bone is present and increasing the amount of bone in the area of the mouth where the implant will be. The Ramus Bone Graft uses a patient’s own bone from the mandibular ramus instead of synthetic (lab-created) or donated bone, meaning that this procedure is considered an autogenous bone graft. This reduces the risk of rejection and other potential complications associated with bone grafts from foreign sources, and encourages the body to generate new bone.