Keratinized gingival

The keratinized gingival is the part of the oral mucosa which covers the gingiva and hard palate. It extends from the free gingival margin to the mucogingival junction and consists of the free gingiva as well as the attached gingiva. The width of keratinized gingiva is an important factor when it comes to dental implants. This is because keratinized gingival tissue can play a role in the long-term support of the implant. It may also aid in maintaining oral health, in preventing gum recession, and in overall esthetics. Due to this, the keratinized tissue of the gums around a tooth or implant may require a tissue or skin graft prior to any dental procedures. Such a graft will assist with gum health as well as implant stability. Maintaining the health of the keratinized gingival is important for both the function and look of a patient’s implants.