There are two types of bone found in the human body — cortical bone and cancellous bone. Cancellous bone is a spongy type of bone and is responsible for producing stem cells and blood cells. Because of these incredible properties, cancellous bone is typically used for bone grafts due to its concentration of osteoprogenitor cells and therefore a greater ability to form new bone as compared to cortical bone. Although all bone is always in a state of renewal, a cortical vs cancellous bone graft is unlikely to be osteogenic or osteoinductive due to its fundamental lack of cellularity. Cancellous allograft bone chips are often used to fill voids within bone and have a wide range of medical applications, including osteopathy and implant dentistry. The gold standard of bone grafts, including cancellous bone grafts, is when bone can be removed from one area and grafted to another area within the same patient.